“This things about to get good.”

-Homer Cunningham


History on wheels

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With over 50 vehicles… we have a variety of wagons, buggies, and carts from all over the country. Some were even handmade by the Amish community. We love the story behind each one and value the history it carries.

Horses, Cows & Goats.. OH MY!


Our farm is made up of horses, miniature horses, mules, cows, goats and chickens. We work with our animals one on one daily. Many of our livestock has been trained countless hours to preform for varies occasions. Some of those occasions are weddings, field trips, birthday parties and most of all, the hollywood movie set.

Going Hollywood

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Have you watched a western movie or show lately? Well, if you have then it’s possible you have seen our animals or wagons on the big screen. We have worked with many productions such as D'Jango, Free State of Jones, Magnificent Seven, 12 Years of Slave, Mud Bound, Roots, and a Budweiser Super Bowl Commercial.